14 Mushroom Blend Powder Certified Organic 1lb. Bulk

Mushroom Harvest
$42.95 $49.99

14 Blend Mushroom Powder by Mushroom Harvest, Inc. 1 lb.(454g)

USDA Certified Organinc Powerful blend of 14 potent medicinal mushrooms.

Excellent to cook with or put in smoothies, juices, coffee, or tea! Make your own capsules.

  • USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC- This amazing blend includes the following 14 organic mushroom varieties: Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga, Mesima, Lion' Mane, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Shiitake, Blazei, Poria, Agarikon, Suechirotake, Oyster and True Tinder Polypore.
  • GROWN IN USA!- All Mushroom Harvest products are grown right here in the United States.
  • SO MANY USES!- Customers are always discovering creative ways of including this 14 mushroom blend powder into their diet! Some common uses include: Soups, Veggie Seasoning, Smoothies, Coffees and Teas! Be Sure to leave feedback and add a favorite way you love to use it!
  • NO FILLERS- Rest assured this high quality product has no brown rice added to it! Mushroom Harvest has to include "organic myceliated brown rice" as an "other" ingredient". But what this means is that organic brown rice is simply the substrate, and acts as a FOOD SOURCE for the mushroom.
  • HIGHEST PURITY AND POTENCY POSSIBLE!- To accomplish this, Mushroom Harvest is involved in every step of the process from cultivation to processing. Every batch of mushrooms is grown from young cultures, closely monitored through the growth cycle, harvested at the optimum stage of growth and then carefully processed to ensure potency. To verify quality, each batch is sent to a third party analytical laboratory for testing.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.